Monday, 7 June 2010

We can almost smell the sea!

Here we are at the Black Horse Caravan Park about thirty minutes out of Dover. The van made it down without incident from Norwich to Surrey on Saturday after a busy morning packing her up. She is pretty full! That night we stayed with Victor’s daughter and family in a real house (!) On Sunday our good friends Sandie and Richard hosted a Bon Voyage BBQ in their beautiful garden with some of our dearest friends. We could feel ourselves winding down and getting into holiday mood. Today I drove the final leg towards Dover and here we are in light rain, enjoying a stir fry on our last evening in Blighty before crossing La Manche tomorrow lunchtime. There seem to be loads of motor homes and caravans here, all with the same idea in mind!
Have tried to upload a photo but tonight in the campsite the signal is poor and it will not upload! Apologies. Will try again in a few days when we can get access. Take care everyone.
Phyllida and Victor

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